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Welcome to MTH 124 - Survey of Calculus - Section 701


Lubashan Lakshitha

Final Exam

Exam 1 is on June 25th. It is available on WebAssign from 8:00 am to 8:00pm, Eastern Time (MSU Time). You will get 2 attempt per question and 2 hour to complete the exam. There will be 40 questions. 


For reviews 

Exam 2

Exam 1 is on June 11th. More information will be available to you, soon.


For a list of concepts, formulas and examples

Exam 1

Exam 1 is on May 27th. It is available on WebAssign from 8:00 am to 8:00pm, Eastern Time (MSU Time). You will get 2 attempt per question and 1 hour to complete the exam.


For a list of concepts, formulas and examples


This class is completely online (all MTH 124 sections are integrated into an existing online version of MTH 124 for this semester) and handled through a web based program called WebAssign.You can purchase access to WebAssign together with the recommended textbook : Applied Calculus 6E (by Stefan Waner & Steven Constenoble) - here


Once you have accesses to WebAssign you will need a class key to enroll yourself in the correct section of the correct course. The class key for this section (Section 701) is : msu 4156 1333. Make sure you are enrolled in to the correct course and correct section.

Once you have access to WebAssign you will also have access to the eBook of the textbook. However, y
ou can only view the textbook with a device/web-browser that have Adobe Flash Player installed. So iPhones and iPads will not be able to access the eBook. You can install Adobe Flash Player to your browser through - here (
Make sure to un-tick the "optional offers" before you download the Flash Player.


Also you will need a graphing calculator. Recommended calculators are TI-83+ or a TI-84. Calculators that can perform algebraic symbol manipulation ("computer algebra") may not be used for taking exams and quizzes. These prohibited devices include calculators like TI-89, TI-92 and other computing devices like computer/laptop and mobile phones.

I expect you to meet with me at least once a week. You can do this at regular class times 6:30pm on M,Tu and Th or by scheduling a meeting with me at a different time.

Zoom details for the class time and office hours can be found by

Class/Office Hours:

M 6:30pm - Labs
Tu Th 6:30pm - Office Hours

Click Here for Zoom Info

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