Course Objectives:
This course is designed to give students an introduction to the concepts of calculus as well as present applications of these concepts in a variety of fields so that as you encounter similar scenarios in future environments, you are comfortable in applying what you have learned to solve new problems. One aspect to be aware of: this course focuses more on the contextual applications of calculus more than the abstract mathematical development of calculus concepts
Applied Calculus 6e by Waner and Constenoble
Published by Cengage Learning
Online Requirement:
WebAssign - an online software for access to lessons, homework and quizzes.
Link -
Recommend TI-83+ or TI-84. Other equivalent calculators (Sharp, Casio, HP) may be used. You are responsible for knowing how to use your calculator. A TI-89 or TI-92 or any laptop or tablet may not be used for taking exams
Academic Integrity:
The University’s policy can be found at Specifically stated in the MSU student handbook, “…no student shall claim or submit the work of another as one’s own.” The penalty for this will result in your being removed from the course and an automatic 0.0.
Your grade shall be calculated by the following:
Your overall grade will be converted into a percentage and your grade will be determined based on the following scale:
90% - 100% = 4.0
85% - 89% = 3.5
79% - 84% = 3.0
73% - 78% = 2.5
65% - 72% = 2.0
60% - 64% = 1.5
55% - 59% = 1.0
0% - 54% = 0.0
Time frame/Plan:
1 summer semester. Expected time to dedicate to this course is a minimum of 15 hours weekly for the duration of the course.
Work at your own pace to master the material presented. Each part of the course is set up for you to complete by a certain date and due dates are posted on the website for each assignment. As you work through the assignments and you finish them ahead of time, additional time can be used retaking quizzes, doing extra practice, and/or getting help from your instructor supervisor. Stay on pace as planned on the calendar. If you do not, you will not be able to be successful as the course progresses. There will be weekly Zoom meetings to help you work through the required lab/activities.
For each section, it is recommended you follow these steps to maximize your understanding of the material:
Read/Skim the section in the textbook.
Watch the video lecture for the section.
You can see all the videos in a section by going to:
Resources → Waner Applied Calculus - 6e → Desired Chapter → Desired Section
Complete the on-line “Learning” assignment for the section (up to 5 attempts.) Make sure you have answered all questions correctly.
Complete the on-line “Practice” assignment for the section (up to 5 attempts). Make sure you have answered all questions correctly. These assignments also include the option to link to the on-line textbook to reread the section. Also, you can practice many problems of the same type by clicking on “Practice Another Version.” It also gives you the option to “Master it” which opens a new window where another problem practicing the same content can be attempted. Think of the practice as a longer version of the upcoming Quiz.
Utilize problems from the textbook for additional practice. Your textbook contains solutions to all of the odd numbered problems at the end of the book. This can be helpful so that you can check your work and ensure your understanding of the concepts.
You can submit questions that will be answered in a timely manner by the course supervisor via email. Also, you can e-mail any questions to your TA(s) and/or get help from other resources available to you (study partners, tutors, MLC, etc.)
When you are prepared, take the “Quiz” assignment for the section. If you are satisfied with your score, you may move on to the next section. If not, repeat the steps above and take the quiz again. EACH QUIZ QUESTION CAN BE ATTEMPTED UP TO 3 TIMES!! Resubmitting one answer at a time is counted as a retake for that question only.
The “Review” assignments are due on the day of the exams. Significant time should be spent on them in preparation for the exams. Also, in the back of the textbook are Appendices which have additional practice problems.
A lab/activity will be implemented each week. These are required for you to complete and the Zoom videos will work through their solutions. You are to email your work to the course instructor (
Additionally, there are practice exams with solutions posted under the “Resources” link to be utilized when preparing for the exams.
Utilize office hours of your instructor to assist with needs you have.